Title IX and Ohio Christian University
Ohio Christian University is an institution built upon honor, integrity, trust, and respect. Consistent with these values, the University is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment for all members of the University community. The University does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in any of its education or employment programs and activities. The Policy prohibits specific forms of behavior, which the Policy collectively refers to as “Prohibited Conduct”:
- Sexual Discrimination
- Sexual Harassment
- Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse
- Non-Consensual Sexual Contact
- Stalking
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Sexual Exploitation
Acts of Prohibited Conduct are unlawful. Specifically, they violate Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”); undermine the character and purpose of the University, and will not be tolerated. Acts of Prohibited Conduct also require the University to fulfill certain obligations under the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (“VAWA”) and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”).
In addition to being unlawful, acts of Prohibited Conduct undermine the character and purpose of the University. They will not be tolerated.
Title IX Team
Title IX Coordinator

Bethany Conrad
1476 Lancaster Pike
Circleville, Ohio 43113
(740) 954-0436
The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the University's overall compliance with Title IX in all of its programs and activities, including academics, employment, housing, athletics, and extracurricular activities. As part of this responsibility, she supervises the Title IX team and oversees the prompt and equitable resolution of all informal and formal complaints under the University's Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence policy. She also coordinates training, prevention, and outreach to ensure University community members are aware of their rights, responsibilities, and resources.
Title IX Investigator

Coming Soon
Graham Administration Building
1476 Lancaster Pike
Circleville, Ohio 43113
Phone: (740) 477-7741
The Title IX Investigator supports the University's response to Title IX complaints consistent with its Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence by conducting prompt, equitable, and trauma-informed investigations pursuant to the policy and related procedures.
Deputy Coordinator for Education/Prevention

David Pennington
1476 Lancaster Pike
Circleville, Ohio 43113
(740) 420-5906
The Deputy Coordinator for Education/Prevention supports the University's initiatives for prevention and awareness training on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and other Forms of Interpersonal Violence, in accordance with the OCU Title IX Policy, by identifying, coordinating and implementing appropriate content and venues for faculty and students.
Decision Maker

Brandon Ritchey
1476 Lancaster Pike
Circleville, Ohio 43113
(740) 477-7735
The Decision Maker supports the University’s Title IX initiatives by overseeing the live hearings or serving as the appeals officer and facilitating the informal resolution process.
Decision Maker

Coming Soon
1476 Lancaster Pike
Circleville, Ohio 43113
(740) 477-7788
The Decision Maker supports the University’s Title IX initiatives by overseeing the live hearings or serving as the appeals officer and facilitating the informal resolution process.

The Complainant and Respondent are able to have an advisor of their choosing. However, if they do not have an advisor available, the University has trained Advisors on staff who can be appointed.

Steve Payton
The Complainant and Respondent are able to have an advisor of their choosing. However, if they do not have an advisor available, the University has trained Advisors on staff who can be appointed.
External Title IX Investigator
On an as needed basis, the University partners with highly-trained, experienced external Title IX Investigators who, in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator, conduct prompt, thorough, and trauma-informed investigations pursuant to the University's Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence and related procedures.
Title IX Policy
Ohio Christian University Title IX Policy
Title IX Resources
Confidential Resources
Ohio Christian University is committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory environment for all members of the University community. There are several University, community, and confidential resources available for all members of the University.
University Confidential Resources:
- Office of Student Development Chaplain (740) 477-7702
Community Confidential Resources:
- National Sexual Assault Hotline – 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-800-799-7233
- Ohio Sexual Violence Helpline – 1-844-OHIOHELP (1-844-644-6435)
- Ohio Hispanic Coalition Domestic Violence 24 Hour Hotline (614) 890-9934 (Spanish and English)
- Haven House of Pickaway County –(740) 477-9113
- Medical care options in your community, including:
- Ohio Health (Berger) – (740) 474-2126, ext. 8237
- Pickaway Family & Children First Council (740) 474-7529, ext. 1416
- Paint Valley Mental Health & Wellness Crisis Line (740) 335-7155
Help for Students/Faculty/Staff
After a traumatic event, such as a sexual assault or some other form of sexual or gender-based violence, it is important to seek medical care. Health care providers can help you determine the extent of injuries, whether you need medications, assist you emotionally, and, should you choose, collect and preserve physical evidence (SANE exam).
Where to go for Confidential Medical Attention:

Ohio Health (Berger) Hospital
600 N. Pickaway Street
Circleville, Ohio 43113
(740) 474-2126
You are strongly encouraged to report sexual and gender-based violence to the police. Reporting to police will not affect your ability to pursue action through the University process and does not obligate you to pursue a criminal process.
- Call 911
- Pickaway County Sheriff: (740) 474-2176
- Circleville Police Department: (740) 477-8231
- OCU Security Department: (740) 412-5337
Discrimination: Discrimination is based on inequitable treatment of individuals. The University prohibits discrimination of its employees or students that is related to the individual’s race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or military service.
Harassment: Harassment includes, but is not limited to, any conduct that a recipient feels is offensive, unwelcome, demeaning, rude, or threatening. This conduct can:
- take the form of slurs, jokes, bullying, cyber bullying, or stalking;
- be verbal, graphic, or physical;
- be directed at employees or students;
- occur in peer-to-peer or hierarchical relationships; and/or
- be perpetrated by employees, students or non-employees.
Violence: The University prohibits violence of any sort against any of its members.
When discrimination, harassment, or violence is reported, the University will take prompt and remedial action. Violation of this policy by any of its members shall subject the individual to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.