Ohio Christian University Drama Team
The Ohio Christian University Drama Team is a student-led ministry with the mission to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the arts. The team performs at church services, youth events and Christian school chapels throughout the school year.
The OCU drama team’s content can include:
Spoken Word
Comedic/Dramatic Sketches
Musical Dramatizations
Scripture Reading
Audition. Drama team members are required to audition before joining the team. Incoming students (primarily high school juniors, seniors or transfer students) are encouraged to audition before enrolling, either individually or at an OCU Performing Arts Audition Day. The drama team audition requires two 60-second monologues (one serious, one comedic) and may require a cold read. After the audition, students will be notified if they’re receiving a performing arts scholarship offer and a spot on the team.
Enroll. Drama team members must accept their scholarship offer and ultimately enroll in classes for the traditional on campus program at Ohio Christian University in order to participate in the dream team program.
Attend rehearsals at least once a week (usually Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00 PM but days/times may vary per semester)
Attend the majority of the semester’s external events (church services, youth events, chapel services). Events typically happen once a month. Christian school chapel services require day travel, and drama team students are excused from classes on those days.
Participate in the fall play and spring musical. Drama team members are required to either be in the cast or assist as a crew member for each show. Those involved in the cast will be required at additional evening rehearsals separate from drama team practice. Crew members may be required for different set-building days, painting projects, but are mostly expected to be available during the show’s tech week and performances to help in any capacity.
The maximum amount that can be awarded based on a student’s drama audition is $3,000/year. Please keep in mind this is a talent-based audition, and the awarded amount is up to the director’s discretion. Students may have the opportunity to increase this amount as a current student on the drama team in their sophomore, junior or senior year.
Please keep in mind that all performing arts scholarships (drama, band/orchestra, and choir) when paired together increase the total maximum award amount to $4,000/renewable. For example, a student equally gifted in choir and drama may receive $2,000 from choir and $2,000 from drama resulting in a $4,000 renewable performing arts award.
The student’s drama team scholarship is dependent on their ability to participate and meet drama team expectations. Scholarship amounts may be adjusted if expectations are not met.
Sign up for an audition today! Email enroll@ohiochristian.edu or look for an upcoming Performing Arts Audition Day.