The BA in Music is designed to prepare musicians with a high level of musical skill and a strong foundation in music theory, history, and applied performance.
On completion, students should be able to:
- Perform at a collegiate level as a vocalist or instrumentalist.
- Apply knowledge of music theory and the historical context of music to musical performance.
- Demonstrate functional vocal and accompanying skills.
MAJOR53 Hours
Music Theory19
MUS2010 Music Theory I3
Chords in major and minor keys, voice leading, beginning four-part writing, and harmonic progressions and inversions.Prerequisite: Successful music theory placement exam, two semesters of applied piano, or consent of the instructor.
MUS2011 Aural Skills I1
Introduction to music reading and aural skills through sight singing and dictation of diatonic music and rhythms with division of the beat.Prerequisite: Successful music theory placement exam, two semesters of applied piano, or consent of the instructor.
MUS2012 Music Theory II3
Cadences, phrases and periods, non-chord tones, diatonic seventh chords, and introduction to secondary functions.Prerequisite: MUS2010 with a grade of C or higher
MUS2013 Aural Skills II1
Intermediate instruction in aural skills through sight singing and dictation, adding secondary tonal levels and rhythmic subdivision.Prerequisite: MUS2011 with a grade of C or higher.
MUS3010 Music Theory III3
Secondary functions, modulation, mode mixture, musical forms, and other chromatic techniques.Prerequisite: MUS2012 with a grade of C or higher.
MUS3011 Aural Skills III1
Advanced instruction in aural skills through sight singing and dictation, adding chromatic techniques.Prerequisite: MUS2013 with a grade of C or higher.
MUS3012 Music Theory IV3
Advanced modulations, extended harmonic vocabularies, and selected materials and techniques of post-1900 composition.Prerequisite: MUS3010 with a grade of C or higher.
MUS3013 Aural Skills IV1
Advanced instruction in aural skills through sight singing and dictation, adding modulation and extended chromatic techniques, and rhythmic devices such as changing meters and irregular division of the beat.Prerequisite: MUS3011 with a C or higher
MUS4010 Musical Form and Analysis3
Structural principles and forms of homophonic music, particularly Baroque and Classical forms.Prerequisite: MUS3010 with a C or higher
Music History9
MUS3310 Survey of Music History I* (Humanities)3
Survey of Western art music from Antiquity through the Baroque Era.
MUS3320 Survey of Music History II3
Survey of Western art music in the Classic and early Romantic Eras.
MUS3430 Survey of Music History III3
Survey of Western art music from the Late Romantic Era to the present.
*This course may be applied to GenEd Humanities requirement.
Music Performance25
1000-level Major Applied Study4
3000-level Major Applied Study6
1000-level Secondary Applied Study (Piano or Voice is recommended)3
MUS1099 Recital (8 semesters)0
Attendance at on- and off-campus musical performances. Appreciation of a variety of musical literature and concert formats, and observation of elements that help create an effective performance. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
MUS4099 Senior Recital1
Public performance of at least 50 minutes of music from a variety of historic and stylistic genera. Literature should be appropriate to the requirements for senior-level study and should include ensemble repertoire. LessonFee: $150
MUS4011 Conducting I2
Conducting patterns with an emphasis on establishing a clear and communicable style to direct an ensemble. Students analyze and direct music using a variety of meters, dynamics, and styles.Prerequisite: MUS2010 with a C or higher Course Fee
Ensemble Electives7
Please choose one of the following:
MUS4012 Choral Conducting2
Conducting techniques for leading choral ensembles, score analysis, study of diction, and musical styles. Expressive conducting of music selected from a broad repertory.Prerequisite: MUS4011
MUS4013 Instrumental Conducting2
Through participation in this course students will both refine their standard conducting patterns and expand their gestural knowledge with asymmetrical meters, subdivided patterns, and super-meter patterns. Students will study techniques and tools to improve their theoretical knowledge of music in analyzing scores and physically prepare their bodies to effectively conduct music of various meters, dynamics, styles, and genres through informed gestures.Prerequisite: MUS4011 1000-level Applied Instrumental Study 1 One half-hour lesson of instrument instruction per week for at least 12 weeks. • MUS1410 Applied Horn I • MUS1500 Applied Flute I • MUS1510 Applied Viola I • MUS1530 Applied Trombone or Euphonium I • MUS1540 Applied Trumpet I • MUS1550 Applied Tuba I • MUS1560 Applied Saxophone I • MUS1570 Applied Percussion I • MUS1580 Applied Cello I • MUS1590 Applied Clarinet I • MUS1600 Applied Guitar I • MUS1620 Applied Violin I • MUS1880 Applied Organ I Fee: $150
Graduation Requirements:
In addition to the courses listed on this page, graduates must meet the requirements listed here, including:
- A General Education Core
- Associate degrees – 36 credit hours
- Bachelor’s degrees – 45 credit hours
- Minimum credit hours
- Associate degrees – 60 credit hours
- Bachelor’s degrees – 120 credit hours
- Some majors require more credit hours than the listed minimums.
- Students choose elective courses to complete credit hour requirements.
- Electives may apply toward a minor, certificate, associate degree, or second major.
- Sometimes a course required in a student’s major can also fulfill a requirement in the GenEd core. (See notes on the individual major pages.)
Find complete information in the OCU Academic Catalog.
Contact the University Registrar's Office if you have graduation questions: 1 (740) 477-7780 or