The Bachelor of Arts in Business equips students for management roles in profit and non-profit organizations. The integration of a Christian worldview ensures the education is morally and ethically grounded. The concentrations provide major-related elective courses students may use to customize the major.
Objectives: Graduates should be able to:
- Demonstrate fundamental knowledge in the core business concepts of accounting, economics, finance, information technology, business law, and management.
- Assess business decisions through the lens of a Christian worldview.
- Evaluate data used by decision-makers in today’s global business environment.
- Analyze business operations to provide recommendations for improvement.
MAJOR60 Hours
ACC2020 Accounting I3
The double-entry system of bookkeeping and the basic accounting cycle, including communicating financial information according to generally accepted accounting principles.Prerequisite: MAT1250 or higher
ACC3020 Accounting II3
The acquisition, analysis, and reporting of financial information for the individual manager and the organization with special attention to the planning and control responsibilities of practicing managers. Students should gain confidence in their ability to interpret and use financial information for more effective decision-making.Prerequisite: ACC2020
BUS1070 Microeconomics3
Principles of economic analysis with emphasis on microeconomic theory as it applies to the decision-making of households, businesses, and industries in the current economic environment, including scarcity of resources, opportunity cost, supply & demand, specialization and trade, and the role of government. Pre-requisite: MAT1250 or higher
BUS2070 Macroeconomics3
Introduction to economic analysis at the aggregate level, including the impact of both domestic and international policies on key economic indicators and on overall macroeconomic performance. Recommended: College-level economics course
BUS2200 Entrepreneur Basics3
This course centers on investigating the feasibility of a business idea or concept. Areas of study will include recognizing business opportunities, developing the business concept, and testing an opportunity for feasibility. Startup and takeover situations will be studied and business plans will be created.
BUS2800 Business Ethics3
Theoretical and practical problems of ethical behavior and decision-making in the workplace, and development of a biblically based framework for moral and ethical issues.
BUS3050 Business Law3
Principles and practices of law, and their impact on business situations, emphasizing the dynamic interaction between the individual, organization, and society, in the context of Christian ethics and proper business conduct.
BUS4600 International Business3
Operating a business in today’s international marketplace from a faith-based perspective, including how businesses interact with and are affected by political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal issues.
FIN2010 Introduction to Financial Management3
Foundational financial theory and its application to management decision-making and firm valuation.Prerequisite: MAT2050 or higher
FIN4000 Financial Management3
The major topics in finance and a theoretical foundation to evaluate organizational finance issues and apply theory in practice.Prerequisite: FIN2010
IST3040 Business Information Systems3
Fundamental concepts and technologies for business information systems, including data capture, processing, and communication, introduction to the integration of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access in business information systems, and basic data analytics.
MGT1000 Introduction to Management3
Accepted management principles from historic and contemporary perspectives with application to not-for-profit and for-profit organizations.
MGT3020 Managers in Organizations3
The roles of managers in creating and modifying organizations to fulfill the organizational mission, including analysis of interaction in an organization, and the goals, priorities, and strategies of employees.
MGT4800 Management Capstone3
Offers an overall view of managing an organization by challenging students to integrate learning from all course work in solving complex management problems.Prerequisite: Completion of major courses and/or concentration courses.
MKT1050 Introduction to Marketing3
The interacting marketing activities of analysis, planning, implementation, and control with a focus on competitive and customer analysis, marketing strategy development, and implementations for decision-making in domestic and global organizations. The course incorporates current developments in marketing, including the social, legal, ethical, and technological environments of marketing. Students apply these skills and concepts in a real marketing situation to make recommendations for marketing strategy and tactics.
Please choose one of the following:
MAT2050 Applied Math (Online Campus)3
A review of basic math functions with emphasis on real-world application, including fundamentals of banking, pricing, payroll, interest, reading and analyzing financial statements, taxes, insurance, and investments, and application of these concepts to situations in business and personal life.
Mathematics Elective in MAT (Circleville Campus)3
*Online students may count MAT2050 as a Mathematics elective in the General Education Core. MAT2050 does not fulfill General Education Mathematics requirements for Circleville Campus students.
Logistics Management Concentration
Logistics Management is concerned with the movement, storage, and processing of materials and information across the whole of the supply chain, from acquisition of raw materials and components, through manufacturing, to delivery of finished products to end users. The concentration in Logistics Management prepares graduates for careers in purchasing and supplier management, manufacturing logistics, transportation management, inventory, distribution, and warehouse management, information management, and customer service management.
Graduates should be able to apply management principles to logistics and supply chain organizations.
LGM3000 Logistics Management3
The role of logistics in business, including customer service, planning, and managing supply chains, and arranging product transportation and distribution, with practical application in creating logistic strategies.
LGM4000 Transportation Systems3
The strategic role of freight transportation systems in supply chain networks, with emphasis on the components of transportation systems, including inter-modal and intra-model competition, their technological features, operational processes and cost conditions, the buyer-seller channels for acquiring transportation services, and the strategic and tactical alternatives for transport procurement.Prerequisite: LGM3000
LGM4010 Warehousing and Terminal Management3
Warehouse and inventory management in logistics systems with analysis of customer service, forecasting inventory, investment, layout design, and operation.Prerequisite: LGM3000
LGM4020 Strategic Procurement3
Analysis of supply markets, supplier selection, building and maintaining key supplier relationships for long-term success, strategic planning, and use of information technology, with emphasis on the strategic framework, managerial issues, and best practices related to the planning and execution of source processes.Prerequisite: LGM3000
Health Information Technology Concentration
The concentration in Health Information Technology will develop professionals in the disciplines of classification systems, information protection, health informatics, and analytics. Students will develop a strong background in revenue, compliance, and management that is used in multiple healthcare organizations.
Graduates should be able to evaluate, implement, and manage applications for clinical classifications systems in healthcare settings.
HIT3000 Health Information Systems3
Health information technologies and their impact on medicine and the health system, with attention to the regulatory requirements of these technologies.
HIT3100 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Information Tech.3
Ethical and legal questions encountered by healthcare providers, including licensure, certification, privacy law, informed consent, professional liability, court cases, medical malpractice, workplace legalities, contracts, and health information initiatives at national, state, and local levels.
HIT3200 Coding I3
This course will introduce students to ICD coding systems for reimbursement of medical visits, procedures, and tests.
HIT3300 Electronic Health Records3
The history of the electronic health record and its importance to medical professionals, utilization of an electronic health records system, and methods for protecting virtually accessible patient information.
Digital Multi-Media Production Concentration
The concentration in Digital Multi-Media will ensure students gain practical hands-on experience with the equipment and software programs necessary for graphic, website, video, and audio production.
Graduates should be able to develop digital multi-media projects for use in a variety of professional settings.
DMM3000 Graphic Design3
Creating and editing graphic images for digital media, including vector and raster art, using industry standard programs like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
DMM3100 Video Production3
Planning, shooting, and editing videos to promote awareness through media such as Facebook, YouTube, and TV commercials. Basic scriptwriting, how to use a digital video camera, associated terminology, shooting techniques, and post-production in an industry-standard video editing program such as Adobe Premiere.
DMM3200 Web Design3
Creating a basic web page or site using HTML and WordPress, with a focus on learning foundational HTML language and its implementation in WordPress.
DMM3300 Audio Production3
Recording, editing, and modification of digital audio for radio commercials, video, and music tracks, including use of microphones, recording devices, and audio editing software, and terminology associated with the audio industry.
Emergency Management Concentration
The concentration in Emergency Management develops leadership abilities in management to be utilized in all types of disaster situations, emphasizing Christ-like service to those in need.
Graduates should be able to apply key elements of emergency management strategies, theories, and concepts to simulated and practical situations.
EMT1010 Introduction to Emergency and Disaster Management3
This course is a prerequisite for all other courses in the program. This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the field of emergency management. Students will gain a general understanding of the threats faced by communities by exploring the four phases of emergency management (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery). Topics covered in the course include the history and development of emergency management, hazard identification, risk analysis, an all-hazards approach to planning, and the future of emergency management.
EMT2010 Mitigation and Preparedness3
The course will introduce students to the concepts needed to develop a comprehensive preparedness plan for various types of incidents and natural disasters. Topics include general emergency management principles and procedures, structural and non-structural mitigation strategies; and protocols set-forth by both federal and state governments.
EMT2020 Response and Recovery3
This course will introduce the basic concepts of response and recovery phases of emergency management. Areas of response will include Incident Command System protocols with an emphasis placed on the actions necessary for incident stabilization required under the National Incident Management System and National Response Plan. Areas of recovery will include, damage assessment procedures; state and federal assistance programs; and the management of reconstruction projects.
EMT3060 Trauma Healing and Compassion Fatigue3
Development of knowledge and personal disciplines for managing one’s emotional, physical, and spiritual needs in maintaining a prolonged presence in settings of high stress.
Accounting Concentration
The concentration in Accounting provides students a broad-based view of relevant accounting concepts.
Graduates should be able to apply the basic responsibilities of accountants in assisting organizations in financial and economic based decisions.
ACC2050 Accounting Information Systems3
Implementation and management of automated accounting systems, with an emphasis on internal controls and information accuracy.Prerequisite: ACC2020
ACC4020 Intermediate Accounting I3
Continuation of ACC3020, addressing financial statement preparation and presentation to external users.Prerequisite: ACC3020
ACC4030 Introductory Auditing3
Evidential procedures involved in supporting the various types of audits, in compliance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS).Prerequisite: ACC3020
ACC4040 Managerial Accounting3
Methods of managerial accounting, including the development of analytical skills, cost accounting as a tool for business strategy and implementation, and the values and behaviors that make managerial accountants effective in the workplace.Prerequisite: ACC3020
Criminal Justice Administration Concentration
The concentration in Criminal Justice Administration prepares students to achieve a fulfilling administrative career in the justice system with a focus on management roles. This concentration will ensure students apply theories and interact with principles of criminal justice while developing managerial and administrative skills found in supervisory roles in law enforcement, the court system, and corrections.
Correlate business operations to needs in the criminal justice system environment.
CJU1010 Introduction to Justice Systems3
Fundamental justice system concepts, and roles within justice systems including law enforcement officers, court officers, corrections officers, victims, and defendants, in the context of a Christian worldview. Opportunities to plan strategic steps for the student’s program and career.
CJU2010 Law Enforcement3
The development and organizational designs of America’s law enforcement organizations, the role, behavior, and life of the officer, including the contexts of law enforcement culture and society, concepts of power and relational skills, and the relationship of Christian worldview to the life of a law enforcement officer.Prerequisite: CJU1010
CJU3250 Corrections3
The historical, philosophical, and operational framework of the corrections system, including the goals of punishment, alternatives to the conventional penal approach and biblical perspectives on the government’s role in punishment and power.Prerequisite: CJU1010
CJU3400 Courts and Judicial Process3
The functions, operations, and decision-making processes of the judicial process in the United States, including an analysis of the role of courts and the function and responsibilities of the key personnel within them.Prerequisite: CJU1010
Healthcare Management Concentration
The concentration in Healthcare Management develops managerial skills required to work in today’s regulated, complex healthcare field. Graduates will have a solid foundation to meet the challenges of increasing quality while decreasing cost in healthcare delivery. The concentration prepares graduates for supervisory or middle management positions in hospitals, managed care organizations, community health centers, physician group practices, pharmaceutical companies, and other types of facilities.
Graduates should be able to apply management principles to healthcare organizations.
HCM3100 Healthcare Informatics3
Informatics in clinical practice, administration, research, and education, including basic informatics concepts, current issues, information management systems, legislative regulation, HIPPA, electronic health records, and other applications.
HCM4000 Healthcare Industry3
Overview of the healthcare industry including healthcare organizations and structures, public policy makers, and healthcare operations with emphasis on rapid changes in healthcare delivery systems as a response to increased healthcare costs, aging of the population, advanced medical science and technology, changing disease patterns, consumer demands, and distribution and use of the healthcare workforce.
HCM4010 Legal and Regulatory Issues in Healthcare3
Legal and regulatory standards governing healthcare organizations, including legal requirements, responsibilities, and constraints related to health provider/patient relationships, medical records, malpractice insurance, and licensure of health professionals.
HCM4020 Healthcare Finance and Reimbursement3
Financial principles for profit and non-profit healthcare settings, including insurance payment systems, funding sources, return on investment, and profitability, and an overview of financial statements and financial responsibility reporting, budgeting, inventory control, asset management, payer systems, accounts receivable, charity care, and managing controllables.
Human Resources Concentration
Graduates should be able to thoroughly describe the human resources needs of organizations, contribute to building effective human resources policies and programs, and offer recommendations for improvement.
Upon completion of this concentration, students should be able to contribute to building effective human resources policies and programs.
HRM3040 Introduction to Human Resources3
An introduction to human resources functions and how they support the strategic objectives and goals of an organization.
HRM4000 Compensation and Benefits3
Monetary and non-monetary benefit theories and practices, including employee evaluation, individual and group pay, and insurance and retirement plans.
HRM4040 Employee and Labor Relations3
The major human resource management functions in an organization, including the components of the human resource management process and the associated activities to perform these functions. The course highlights the human resource management responsibilities of all managers and emphasizes leadership responsibilities and competencies, job analysis, the supporting role of human resource management to strategic planning, and the major government legislation affecting human resource management.
HRM4050 Training and Development3
An exploration of the role of employee development in contemporary organizations and the methods, development, and assessment of training programs. Recommendation: HRM3040
Organizational Leadership Concentration
The concentration in Organizational Leadership prepares individuals for positions of leadership. Courses provide a foundation to meet the challenges of leading organizations in a changing environment.
Graduates should be able to apply leadership theory and techniques to facilitate change within an organization.
LDR3100 Concepts of Leadership3
Strategies from the business for-profit, the non-profit sector, and the moral and spiritual arena with application to personal and career goals.
LDR3200 Organizational Leadership3
Models of effective organizational leadership and the impact of administrative structure, power and politics, conflict resolution, and motivation within the context of the organizational culture.
LDR4000 Leading Change3
Classic theoretical constructs of leadership, systems of organizational culture, and models and processes involved in successful organizational change, with application in the learner’s own organizational setting.
LDR4100 Global Leadership3
Current issues and trends in global leadership, and the leadership challenges that arise in a global setting, with emphasis on developing knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations regarding the theory and practice of leadership in global organizations and societies.
Graduation Requirements:
In addition to the courses listed on this page, graduates must meet the requirements listed here, including:
- A General Education Core
- Associate degrees – 36 credit hours
- Bachelor’s degrees – 45 credit hours
- Minimum credit hours
- Associate degrees – 60 credit hours
- Bachelor’s degrees – 120 credit hours
- Some majors require more credit hours than the listed minimums.
- Students choose elective courses to complete credit hour requirements.
- Electives may apply toward a minor, certificate, associate degree, or second major.
- Sometimes a course required in a student’s major can also fulfill a requirement in the GenEd core. (See notes on the individual major pages.)
Find complete information in the OCU Academic Catalog.
Contact the University Registrar's Office if you have graduation questions: 1 (740) 477-7780 or