The Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Consumer Behavior focuses on what motivates consumers to make purchasing decisions, and how this understanding can be used to develop competitive marketing strategies.
On graduating from the major, students should be able to:
- Analyze the motivations of consumers that drive purchasing decisions.
- Interpret marketing data to determine accurate segmentation and target markets for use in industry.
- Demonstrate critical thinking to display an understanding of the principles of consumer behavior to improve decision-making in a business environment.
- Integrate Christian principles within consumer behavior analysis in developing and applying overall marketing strategies.
MAJOR51 Hours
BUS2070 Macroeconomics3
Introduction to economic analysis at the aggregate level, including the impact of both domestic and international policies on key economic indicators and on overall macroeconomic performance. Recommended: College-level economics course
BUS2800 Business Ethics3
Theoretical and practical problems of ethical behavior and decision-making in the workplace, and development of a biblically based framework for moral and ethical issues.
BUS3050 Business Law3
Principles and practices of law, and their impact on business situations, emphasizing the dynamic interaction between the individual, organization, and society, in the context of Christian ethics and proper business conduct.
BUS4600 International Business3
Operating a business in today’s international marketplace from a faith-based perspective, including how businesses interact with and are affected by political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal issues.
MKT1050 Introduction to Marketing3
The interacting marketing activities of analysis, planning, implementation, and control with a focus on competitive and customer analysis, marketing strategy development, and implementations for decision-making in domestic and global organizations. The course incorporates current developments in marketing, including the social, legal, ethical, and technological environments of marketing. Students apply these skills and concepts in a real marketing situation to make recommendations for marketing strategy and tactics.
MKT3000 Marketing Concepts and Application3
Overview of the marketing ecosystem used to create, manage, maintain, grow, or change organizational marketing campaigns, programs, and processes.Prerequisite: MKT1050
MKT3100 Advertising and Promotion3
Using media and incentives to inspire customers to purchase products or services.Prerequisite: MKT3000
MKT3200 Consumer Behavior3
Basic consumer behavior theories and how that behavior can be affected by marketing strategies.
MKT4000 Advanced Consumer Behavior3
Continuation of MKT3200, with emphasis on consumer behavior theories and analysis.Prerequisite: MKT3200
MKT4220 Product and Brand Management3
Decision-making for the management of products and brands in relationship to the product life cycle.Prerequisite: MKT3000
MKT4230 Market Research3
This course provides a study of how data analysis and consumer perspective are used in contemporary marketing efforts.Prerequisite: MKT3000
MKT4300 Key Trends in Consumer Behavior3
Continuation of MKT4000 emphasis on recent trends and events in consumer behavior.Prerequisite: MKT4000
MKT4800 Marketing and Consumer Behavior Capstone3
This course serves as the capstone project organizing all material students have learned the duration of their marketing and consumer behavior program. Students will analyze and develop comprehensive marketing strategies creating a project that represents the fullness of the student's education and their integration of biblical principles within marketing and consumer strategy.Prerequisite: Completion of major courses.
PSY3020 Theories of Personality3
Critical thinking about the major personality theories, focusing on major features and underlying assumptions of each theory, with attention to the use of new and long-standing theories as they apply to modern thinking and behaviors in light of the principles of Scripture.Prerequisite: PSY1020
PSY3030 Social Psychology3
Social group influences on individual behavior, including behavioral expressions such as aggression, prejudice, attitude change, and affiliation, examined from the viewpoint of social science and Scripture.Prerequisite: PSY1020
PSY3060 Statistics for Social Sciences3
An introduction to basic psychological research techniques and methodology including collecting, organizing, and analyzing psychological data for quantitative research, and an introduction to statistical reasoning with a focus on fundamental concepts and statistical methods for psychological research. Recommendedprerequisite: college level math course
*Please choose one of the following:
MAT2050 Applied Math (Online Campus)3
A review of basic math functions with emphasis on real-world application, including fundamentals of banking, pricing, payroll, interest, reading and analyzing financial statements, taxes, insurance, and investments, and application of these concepts to situations in business and personal life.
Mathematics Elective from MAT (Circleville Campus)3
*Online students may count MAT2050 as a Mathematics elective in the General Education Core. MAT2050 does not fulfill General Education Mathematics requirements for Circleville Campus students.
Graduation Requirements:
In addition to the courses listed on this page, graduates must meet the requirements listed here, including:
- A General Education Core
- Associate degrees – 36 credit hours
- Bachelor’s degrees – 45 credit hours
- Minimum credit hours
- Associate degrees – 60 credit hours
- Bachelor’s degrees – 120 credit hours
- Some majors require more credit hours than the listed minimums.
- Students choose elective courses to complete credit hour requirements.
- Electives may apply toward a minor, certificate, associate degree, or second major.
- Sometimes a course required in a student’s major can also fulfill a requirement in the GenEd core. (See notes on the individual major pages.)
Find complete information in the OCU Academic Catalog.
Contact the University Registrar's Office if you have graduation questions: 1 (740) 477-7780 or