Business Management12 Hours
HRM4040 Employee and Labor Relations3
The major human resource management functions in an organization, including the components of the human resource management process and the associated activities to perform these functions. The course highlights the human resource management responsibilities of all managers and emphasizes leadership responsibilities and competencies, job analysis, the supporting role of human resource management to strategic planning, and the major government legislation affecting human resource management.
LGM3000 Logistics Management3
The role of logistics in business, including customer service, planning, and managing supply chains, and arranging product transportation and distribution, with practical application in creating logistic strategies.
MGT3020 Managers in Organizations3
The roles of managers in creating and modifying organizations to fulfill the organizational mission, including analysis of interaction in an organization, and the goals, priorities, and strategies of employees.
MKT3000 Marketing Concepts and Application3
Overview of the marketing ecosystem used to create, manage, maintain, grow, or change organizational marketing campaigns, programs, and processes.Prerequisite: MKT1050