Benjamin Williamson

Benjamin Williamson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Theology


  • Running (I’ve done two quarters and a half marathon and working toward my first full marathon.)
  • Hiking and exploring
  • Disc Golf
  • Basketball


Ohio Christian University is an institution where the various academic disciplines are in constant dialogue. We seek to help you understand how Christianity speaks into your chosen vocation while seeking to open your mind and heart to hear and understand the perspectives of others. Our origins in the Holiness Movement lead to an emphasis on spiritual vitality that extends beyond the mind to the heart.

Benjamin Williamson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Theology


Ph.D. in Theology, University of Dayton
M.Div. Pastoral Ministry Concentration, Wesley Biblical Seminary
B.S. in Secondary Education (Social Studies), Asbury University


Ben Williamson is a former church planter who began teaching at OCU in 2008. He has a passion for evangelism and mentorship. He felt a call to full time Christian service the summer before his senior year of college. He cancelled his plans to pursue a career in law to study to be a pastor. Following seminary, he planted a church just south of Indianapolis, IN. Seven years later he joined the faculty at OCU.


  • The Jesus People Movement of the late 1960s to -early 1970s.
  • Revivalist Movements in American Religious History
  • The Intersection of Popular Culture and Evangelical Christianity
  • Eastern Church Fathers
Benjamin Williamson


  • Running (I’ve done two quarters and a half marathon and working toward my first full marathon.)
  • Hiking and exploring
  • Disc Golf
  • Basketball


Ohio Christian University is an institution where the various academic disciplines are in constant dialogue. We seek to help you understand how Christianity speaks into your chosen vocation while seeking to open your mind and heart to hear and understand the perspectives of others. Our origins in the Holiness Movement lead to an emphasis on spiritual vitality that extends beyond the mind to the heart.