Ministry12 Hours
MIN1040 Principles of Worship3
Class instruction in scriptural principles and methods of worship, coupled with field experience exposing the student to varied worship styles, and are employed to equip the student to critically analyze worship practices.
MIN1100 Survey of Children’s Ministry3
This course is a study of the nature and needs of childhood with special attention to nurturing and enriching the moral and spiritual development of the child. Students will gain skills in the practical application in planning the Church’s ministry to and for children.
MIN1200 Survey of Youth Ministries3
This course explores current trends in youth ministry found within the evangelical church and youth culture abroad, while giving special emphasis to practical tools and techniques that may be implemented to grow the youth ministry programs of a local church and beyond.
MIN2020 Evangelism and Discipleship3
A study of how to lead a church in effective evangelism and discipleship. Examines the biblical basis for evangelism and discipleship, assesses contemporary models for evangelism and discipleship, and equips students to formulate their own holistic plan for leading a church in evangelism and discipleship.