Entrepreneurship15 Hours
ACC2020 Accounting 13
The double-entry system of bookkeeping and the basic accounting cycle, including communicating financial information according to generally accepted accounting principles.Prerequisite: MAT1250 or higher
BUS2200 Entrepreneur Basics3
This course centers on investigating the feasibility of a business idea or concept. Areas of study will include recognizing business opportunities, developing the business concept, and testing an opportunity for feasibility. Startup and takeover situations will be studied and business plans will be created.
FIN2010 Introduction to Financial Management3
Foundational financial theory and its application to management decision-making and firm valuation.Prerequisite: MAT2050 or higher
IST3040 Business Information Systems3
Fundamental concepts and technologies for business information systems, including data capture, processing, and communication, introduction to the integration of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access in business information systems, and basic data analytics.
MKT1050 Introduction to Marketing3
The interacting marketing activities of analysis, planning, implementation, and control with a focus on competitive and customer analysis, marketing strategy development, and implementations for decision-making in domestic and global organizations. The course incorporates current developments in marketing, including the social, legal, ethical, and technological environments of marketing. Students apply these skills and concepts in a real marketing situation to make recommendations for marketing strategy and tactics.