The website is undergoing a complete platform swap from Drupal hosted by Acquia to Django/Wagtail hosted by Blazertech. All content has been copied over, but not exactly 1:1 in most cases, which is why it’s so important for you to review it before we go live. We have already double-checked this content, but it is always possible we missed something that may not have made it over properly. In addition to this, the content may have undergone minor changes in design and layout that you should approve. Please browse through your content and check your links to ensure everything is working the way you’d like. Then, sign-off on your content to approve it.

Errors and Content Sign-Off:

If you find something that needs changed, or you are ready to sign-off on your content, please use the “BlazerTech Website Ticket” button below to file a ticket. For errors, describe the issue. For your content sign-off, just let us know that you approve all of your content and are ready for us to release it.

A note on highly complex content:

  • Some highly complex, custom-made content was not able to be copied over exactly, but has been approximated as well as the new software allows.
    • Sermon Audio integrations/sorting/menus
    • FaithBlog
    • Event Template-Management
  • Some forms made in Drupal are not capable of being reproduced and will have a custom solution that has not yet been implemented
  • Other forms that were more complex in Drupal have been slightly simplified so they work within the confines of the new software.


News stories going back 2 years have been brought over, but they are not on any double-check lists. We will port all additional news stories (several thousand) going back to 2015 as a future project.