OCTOBER 3-5, 2023

Tuesday, October 3 // 9:25 AM
Chapel with Dr. Doug Carter
Worship led by OCU Worship Collective

Wednesday, October 4 // 6:00 PM
WGM at the Global Café

Thursday, October 5 // 9:25 AM
Chapel with Rev. John Rinehimer,
WGM Vice President of International Ministries and Mobilization
Worship led by OCU Worship Collective

DR. DOUG CARTER is an internationally recognized authority on Christian leadership, Biblical stewardship, and Kingdom partnership. Dr. Carter and his wife, Winnie, served as missionaries to Native Americans for 16 years, 1964-1980. Then in 1980, he became president of Ohio Christian University (formerly Circleville Bible College) and served 9 years helping prepare men and women for Christian service. Next he served 8 years (1989-1997) as Vice President of World Gospel Mission. He has served as the Senior Vice President of EQUIP since 1997. He has preached and trained in over 125 nations.

REV. JOHN RINEHIMER committed to serve the Lord at 17 and told the Lord he would go anywhere and do anything He asked, a promise that led him and his wife, Erica, to serve in Uganda with WGM for two years as missionary disciples. After almost a decade spent in the pastorate near Chicago, John returned to WGM, this time in a new role that will combine the Mobilization and Communications teams.